Our values

Organisational model

Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. has adopted an Organizational Model which adheres to the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001 in order to uphold the highest standards of ethics, integrity and transparency in the conduct of all our corporate operations.
We firmly believe that implementing this Model can serve as an effective instrument for raising awareness, both for our employees and all other interested parties (Customers, Suppliers, Partners, etc.) and serves to encourage them to conduct their own business activities with respect for the law, integrity and ethics, and thus mitigate the risk of any unlawful behaviour.
An integral part of our Organizational Model is the Code of Ethics. This establishes the code of conduct and standards of integrity and transparency that all Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. employees must comply with in their relationships with each other and with third parties.
Veneta Mineraria ha adottato un sistema conforme al Decreto legislativo 10 marzo 2023 n. 24 di recepimento della nuova disciplina europea in tema di whistleblowing.

Quality and Certifications

With the experienced Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. has amassed in our eighty years of dealing in mineral products, we’ve attained an outstanding level of technical prowess, making us a world leader in this sector.
To maintain this level, we have adopted a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, standard, and this approach is central to our business and all our operations, as well as being a strategic business management tool. Our aim is to ensure effective and efficient use of resources, as well as assuring our quest for continual improvements to the services provided, and integration and efficiency of processes. Quality represents our main competitive advantage.
Our Environmental Management System, created in compliance with the ISO 14001:2005,standard, highlights our commitment to managing all aspects of our activities, processes and products that could have an impact on the environment.

To this end, Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. is constantly committed to:

  • Reducing the use of natural resources in favour of renewable energy
  • Reducing the use of dangerous substances from its products
  • Increasing the use of recycled materials and cutting the production of waste
  • Maintaining on-site purification of rainwater collected from company yards and reusing process sludge.


Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. has developed a range of raw materials designed to be used to produce organic and natural cosmetics. Micavi CG (*) and Caolin CG (**) are raw materials approved according to the COSMOS standard by the Ecocert Greenlife certification body.
(*) 10CG, 20CG,45CG, 75CG, 100CG, 150CG
(**) G30M CG, G35M CG


Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. was awarded a Gold Recognition Level by Ecovadis in 2019, making it among the top 5% of performers rated by Ecovadis. Ecovadis manages the first collaborative platform between customers and suppliers that allows all registered companies from 150 different sectors and 110 countries to evaluate and improve their environmental and social policies to enhance their competitiveness on a global level.

Safety at work

Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. considers it paramount to guarantee the health and safety of our employees, contractors, visitors and all those who work for us; in addition to our steadfast commitment to comply with all relevant rules and regulations, Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. is implementing a worker health and safety management system that meets the requirements of the UNI ISO 45001:2018 standard with the aim of managing all aspects relating to activities, processes and products that could cause a risk to the health and safety of workers.
Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. systematically controls risks in the workplace and strives constantly to improve occupational health and safety performance by ensuring the increasing involvement of those responsible for activities that may have consequences on health and safety in the workplace.

Fair working practices

Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. treats all employees fairly, with the respect and dignity that everyone deserves. We abide by the Declaration of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on fundamental principles and rights for workers. We are committed to eliminating all forms of forced and child labour, to freedom of association, to the right of association and collective bargaining, to ensuring equal pay for tasks of equal value and eliminating any discrimination in regard to access to work.

Training and human resources

Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. believes human resources are an essential and fundamental asset for our business, since the qualities and skills of our people provide us with a tangible competitive advantage within our industry. The importance of having professionals in our workforce with cutting-edge skills, opportunities for continual learning, and above all a high degree of dynamism has proven to be paramount for our business. To this end, it is essential that we maintain constant company training, ranging from compulsory health and safety training to more specific courses designed to stimulate and enhance the value of our people across all our production processes.

Environmental commitment

In 2011, Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. installed a photovoltaic system on a section of roof at the Este plant: 1,800 solar panels boasting a power output of 405 kWp cover a surface area of 5,000 m2 in a sun-drenched location between via Belle and via Ca' Manzoni. The system guarantees that approximately 25% of our energy needs are sourced from renewable energy – clean energy that represents a significant annual reduction in CO2 emissions totalling 195 tonnes.
All data is updated in real time and is displayed on a monitor at the entrance to our plant – a clear and active demonstration of our commitment to protecting the environment which drastically reduces greenhouse gas emissions whilst also providing substantial economic savings and the “security” that a clean and inexhaustible energy supply brings. To date, electricity production has totalled 1,900,000.00 KWh, representing a major reduction in CO2 emissions of 1,045,000 kg over period of operation (1,700 days).

Commitment to the environment - LCA Study

Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. considers respect for the environment a primary objective. It's a goal we pursue and realise by constructing a production process that reduces the environmental impact of our activities to a minimum.
Over the years, we have been committed to conducting environmental protection projects that aim to reduce the impact of our products and processes by developing an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study. Conducted in collaboration with the University of Padua, its goal is to assess the environmental impacts associated with the various phases of a product's life cycle. In particular, the study evaluated and compared the potential impacts associated with the manufacture of a product starting from natural minerals or other minerals recovered from previous processes, with a view to improving the environmental impact of the process and product.

Social commitment

For years now, Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. has been committed to supporting the fundraising efforts of organisations in the local community, both non-profit associations and many educational institutions.
Among the various charitable activities, Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. supports a local non-profit association that provides individuals and families who are struggling with a range of healthcare services, in particular by providing transport to and from hospitals for people who are sick, disabled or unable to transport themselves.
Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. also collaborates with local schools, helping them to develop training programmes that offer secondary school students work experience within our company. By doing so, we are providing them with “hands-on” work experience, skills and training which is helping to bridge the gap between the world of education and the world of work. Today's students are tomorrow's professionals.

Declaration and policy regarding Conflict Minerals

Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. supports the fight against violence, human rights violations and environmental degradation caused by the extraction and marketing of certain minerals in the geographical area defined as “Conflict Regions”. These include the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighbouring countries. To this end, Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. does not acquire minerals from any mines in such areas and has started a process of working with its suppliers to ensure that no minerals from Conflict-Mineral regions can enter the supply chain. Veneta Mineraria S.p.A. fully supports this law and our position is to avoid the use of any minerals that are not certified as “conflict free”.